Oral Relaxation Options

Comfortable and relaxed. You will remain conscious during the procedure, but you probably won’t remember much about it. While you are able to communicate, you may feel groggy and slur your words. Some patients do fall asleep with moderate sedation but can be easily woken back up.

A combination of oral medications can provide safe and moderate sedation. Surprisingly, conscious sedation is also referred to as sleep dentistry even though you remain awake during the procedure.

Tight Schedule?

Oral Relaxation Dentistry is a wonderful option for the busy individual who is in need of extensive care and simply can’t find the time to schedule multiple appointments.

With Oral Relaxation Dentistry, Dr. Sines, Jr. can accomplish extensive amounts of dentistry at one time.


Oral Relaxation Dentistry is a wonderful solution for anxious patients. You may have had a bad dental experience in the past and the memory of that has kept you from regular visits for preventative care. You are not alone with that fear. You don’t have to neglect your dental health anymore! Oral relaxation dentistry is as simple as taking a pill. If you prefer a deeper relaxation option, we can arrange for IV sedation at East Brainerd Oral Surgery Center. They will take care of the anesthesia support while Dr. Sines, Jr. completes your dental treatment procedures.